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“Work hard and dream big. Never stop the hustle and you will succeed”

The beautiful dawn at Samanalawewa Reservoir at Belihuloya - Sri Lanka


Dear Trade Colleagues,

With Christmas on the horizon, the good tidings have started to flow in! The number of Covid-19 cases have drastically dropped in Sri Lanka, strict restrictions that were in place are being relaxed with every passing week, and over 7000 visitors have started arriving in the country during the past month  giving us reason to be cautiously jubilant. With Christmas on the horizon, the good tidings have started to flow in! The number of Covid-19 cases have drastically dropped in Sri Lanka, strict restrictions that were in place are being relaxed with every passing week, and over 7000 visitors have started arriving in the country during the past month  giving us reason to be cautiously jubilant. 

We are happy to report that all of Eco Team’s properties are prepped and ready to go with all of the mandated health protocols in place. We have also put together a whole host of feature-rich and unique adventures for you, especially to the lesser known National Parks in Sri Lanka so that you have a more private experience!

So without further ado, let’s get lost in a jungle reverie, treat your belly with some Beli, unwrap a healthy dessert, take a short flight and learn how to shoot things… through a lens!

As always, I wish you and your clients an experiential journey and look forward to seeing you soon.


Anuruddha Bandara (AB)

Experiential Journeys

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© 2024 Experiential Journeys (Pvt) Ltd. 20/63, Fairfield Garden, Colombo 08 (00800), Sri Lanka

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