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Vidarshana the animal whisperer

Vidarsha - or “Vida” as his feathered and non-feathered friends like to call him – joined the Eco Team Family in 2022 and fast became a traveling Naturalist highly conversant in Sinhala, English, Elephant, Leopard, Gray Langur, Crested Hawk-eagle, Giant Squirrel, Wild Buffalo, Hornbill, Peacock, and Indian Nightjar! Vidarsha - or “Vida” as his feathered and non-feathered friends like to call him – joined the Eco Team Family in 2022 and fast became a traveling Naturalist highly conversant in Sinhala, English, Elephant, Leopard, Gray Langur, Crested Hawk-eagle, Giant Squirrel, Wild Buffalo, Hornbill, Peacock, and Indian Nightjar! Being one of the quirkiest new members of the Eco Team Family, his stories can range from being casually attacked by a buffalo in Wilpaththu, to why oranges are the greatest  fruit on earth.

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