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Dear Trade Colleagues,

Greetings fellow explorers! 

In the blink of an eye, it’s June and half the year is gone! With the rush of the past few months, I hope you and your families have been safe during the times of the pandemic. Despite the last few months being in lockdown, we bring a couple of new exciting experiences from Sri Lanka for your travels starting from August when our country’s borders are open for international travellers. Starting from the ‘Rosyth Estate House’, a colonial estate bungalow built in the 1920’s, this location is perfect for families travelling together who want to spend time with one another and feel close to nature. 

Next with two truly local experiences, we are happy to introduce you to the ‘nutty’ experience with coconuts, where you will learn so much about a simple tree that gives so much in return to locals. And speaking of locals, how about you spend some time in the misty hills of the Knuckles Mountain Range with an elderly couple to experience a truly rural lifestyle? 

With the pandemic growing, the threat of the loss of jobs too was growing. We are proud to announce that Eco Team began an initiative to help support our staff and local famers by providing both a livelihood during the past few months through our ‘Made on Earth by Eco Team’ initiative. 

Last but not least, we are happy to announce that Forbes has ranked Sri Lanka 4th amongst their list of countries for post-lockdown luxury travel destinations, and Eco Team looks forward to welcoming you to Sri Lanka with a guaranteed 5 star experience during your stay in Sri Lanka!

Anuruddha Bandara (AB)
Experiential Journeys


Our policy in discouraging Animal Cruelty, Tourist Traps and Staged Tourist Shows

Animals Are Friends Too: Discouraging Animal Cruelty, Tourist Traps and Staged Tourist Shows

We at ExJ stay away from tourism experiences that are staged and involve animal cruelty and shopping traps that are contrived to exploit and deceive clients.

Even though some of the popular ‘attractions’ are not included in our programmes due to the above reasons, we have no objections in our clients making their own arrangements with our Drivers to visit these places.


Why we do not promote following attractions


Turtle Hatcheries

As this concept has serious negative aspects in terms of conservation, we do not encourage our visitors to patronize the turtle hatcheries, as not all of them are really turtle-friendly. We instead encourage them to observe turtles in their natural habitats.

Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage

When we became aware that the animal welfare standards there were questionable, we stopped encouraging our clients to visit the orphanage. We are pleased to observe that the Born Free Foundation has now adopted similar measures.

Elephant back rides – Habarana

There’s uncertainty surrounding the attitude of this place towards animal welfare. There may be a few ethical operators, but in general, we are not in agreement with how the place is run. We all would love a photo of us riding an elephant, but is a lifetime of pain caused to these magnificent mammals really worth a few fleeting likes on social media?

Traditional Village Tour with a Canoe Trip and Bullock-Carts – Habarana

This is a tourist trap where a lot of the trip is ‘staged’ for commercial purposes. Such fake touristic experiences will not give our visitors an idea of what life in the country is really like, so join us as we show you the real side of Sri Lanka. And at the end of every vacation, always ask yourself, “Did you feel that your holiday was ethical, eco-friendly, and reduced environmental impacts?”

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© 2024 Experiential Journeys (Pvt) Ltd. 20/63, Fairfield Garden, Colombo 08 (00800), Sri Lanka