An affair with waves & tides - Arugambay
Dear Trade Colleagues,
Life is unpredictable, but if you stand resolute, you will always ride out the storm and emerge into better days! This is exactly how Sri Lankans are facing the current wave of Covid-19. The people are determined to stay strong and the government is looking ahead and taking positive steps to help strengthen the economy. To this end, they have confidently declared that tourists are welcome and National Wildlife Parks, Zoological and Botanical gardens, and the Central Cultural Fund managed heritage sites have been instructed to prepare and facilitate the visits of tourists. Measures have also been taken to reinforce the already strict health and safety protocols, to ensure the safety of our visitors. We are happy to report that, after a prolonged break, visitors from India have been given clearance to arrive in the country. We look forward to welcoming and hosting our neighbours as they start arriving from the end of August.Life is unpredictable, but if you stand resolute, you will always ride out the storm and emerge into better days! This is exactly how Sri Lankans are facing the current wave of Covid-19. The people are determined to stay strong and the government is looking ahead and taking positive steps to help strengthen the economy. To this end, they have confidently declared that tourists are welcome and National Wildlife Parks, Zoological and Botanical gardens, and the Central Cultural Fund managed heritage sites have been instructed to prepare and facilitate the visits of tourists. Measures have also been taken to reinforce the already strict health and safety protocols, to ensure the safety of our visitors. We are happy to report that, after a prolonged break, visitors from India have been given clearance to arrive in the country. We look forward to welcoming and hosting our neighbours as they start arriving from the end of August.
So with that positive outlook, let’s get to know some wildlife, go island hopping, get stuck in quality honey and enjoy some amazing food - ‘kos why not?
As always, I wish you and your clients an experiential journey and look forward to welcoming you all soon!
Anuruddha Bandara (AB)
Experiential Journeys
[ DMC arm of Eco Team - Sri Lanka ]